But Jack has been so funny, I just have to write this now!
Two days ago he climbed up on the top step of the bathroom stepstool, TURNED ON THE WATER, and washed his hands. By himself!
And yesterday Eleanor and Will were watching a PBS episode of "Clifford", and when Todd turned around, Jack was sitting in the rocking chair, rocking, and watching TV! By mid-afternoon he had progressed to STANDING in the chair and rocking like a crazy man. A big grin, too, at every "No" he got.
He also finally learned how to drink out of a straw when we were at In-N-Out with Todd's family on our way home from Yellowstone, when we offered him a sip of chocolate milkshake! As soon as his lips touched that thing, no kidding, he was Straw Master and demanded half my dessert.
He climbs the small slide in the back yard, just like the "big kids". He is watching everything they do and is becoming able to DO it! And SO close to walking on his own. I am going to have my hands full very soon...as if I don't already!!