ELEANOR - listening to a worship CD with the lyrics "the Word of the Lord stands forever", says to me, "but mommy, the Word of the Lord isn't for forever; F is for forever!!" and this girl is a master in the art of debate. a reason for every idea she has, for every request that she makes. and often a pretty logical reason! and she loves princesses. and when her daddy brought her a long stemmed rose on valentines day, she was so enamored that she hauled it around with her for hours. no vase of water for that baby! she held it in one hand while she ate lunch. she unwittingly wacked people with it. finally the blossom broke off and it is now floating in a bowl of water. eleanor loves the name "kate." most anything she can give a name to, it is kate. often "kate jane faris." but recently she had a breakthrough with a tiny toy dog that looks a bit rodent-like....she named it "mousy"!
WILL - his most recent thing he is into is the movie "cars." todd bought it a couple of weeks ago and the kids have watched it in half hour segments a couple of times since then. (side: this is how we usually watch the few movies they see. eleanor was talking to our friend miss amy recently about a movie and asked, "did you get to watch it ALL AT ONCE?!" what a novel idea!) the movie is full of things william loves - most especially orange cones, tires, and tractors. when todd's parents were here this weekend, they bought him some "car" PJ's, toys, and swim truncks. what a hit! will is talking so well. i love his sweet voice. he can be quite expressive and i'm sure has learned a little drama from his sister! when he started his little gymnastics class a few weeks ago the instructor had the kids introduce themselves and who they were with - ie mommy or daddy. when it came to us, will very serisouly said, "william robert faris"...and looking up toward me, "noelle faris." it was SO funny! we have had some real struggles with william the last couple of months....whining, tantrums, etc. but prayer and persistence have paid off, and last couple weeks we have experience the full return of "SWEET william"!! he has been so joyful, so obedient, so helpful....what a blessing to my heart!! a couple of days ago he told me, "my buddy mommy!!" what a precious boy.
JACK - well, i guess i just did that little 7 month post. but i will say again, this baby is HAPPY! so content, so snuggly, so sweet. my little friend. his first two teeth have broken through. he waved bye-bye for the first time this past weekend, to his mimi ruthie! my heart melts when he reaches for me.
okay, at least i got a few things down in writing!