Tuesday, June 15, 2010

this, that and the other

If you are looking at this photo, I probably don't need to tell you that pipe cleaners have been a big hit with Eleanor!!

Also, a few mornings ago I was turning on a Curious Geroge episode for the kids, and Rachel Ray happened to be on and she was saying something like "delicious 5 ingredient meal in 15 minutes" or something like that, so of course I had to listen! And in the 1 minute I did I got a good meal idea: bring a couple boxes of your favortie broth/stock to a boil. Add refridgerated tortellini. After that cooks, wilt in some fresh spinach leaves for a minute. Once in individual bowls, top with fresh grated parmesan/romano and some lemon zest. Voila! I made it tonight and it was great. Will even ate some spinach!!! (it's like I hear the sound of angels singing when I say that!)

Also, Todd took Eleanor to a baseball game tonight. Isn't that sweet?!! Her favorite song of late has been "Take me out to the ballgame" so it was very appropriate!

Also, a young woman from church was here today discussing wedding music with me, when Eleanor was having some tummy problems and Will ran yelling and crying through the house, "I want to see the diarrhea!! I want to see the diarrhea!!" Hhhmm. I'm quite sure I've never had that thought in my life, much less screamed it in the presence of a houseguest!

Also, Jack is still the sweetest baby ever.
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