Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The "Bub Belly" - 34 weeks

We are getting so close to being able to meet our new little boy! Although I don't feel sick of being pregnant, I am definitely feeling ready to see and hold this little guy! We are still working on the name thing, and this week was the first time we started to do anything to get his room ready...we have a busy month or so ahead of us.
I am really looking forward to seeing Eleanor's reaction to her new brother! She has recently developed some serious empathy toward crying babies...she does a fake cry right along with them and is very concerned about what could be wrong. So sweet! We are talking about the fact that newborn babies cry sometimes, even when everything is okay! I have recently seen her patting her baby doll's back, offering her a pacifier (which Eleanor hasn't had in many months, but she knows what it is for!), and giving her a blanket. Of course, I have also see her crush her doll, throw her on the floor,, we'll see! :D


Maren Berry said...

So exciting!! It will be quite fun to see big sister's reaction to the new little guy. Jordan does the same type thing with her doll. I find her pulling the boppy pillow around her, and putting the doll on top to "nurse" her. Very funny to watch, especially since the doll is almost as big as she is! :)
And I must say, you are such a cute pregnant mama! :)

Felipe and Chantelle said...

Your little bub belly is so cute! I can't wait for this little boy to arrive. We are so excited for you guys and praying that these last couple of weeks go well for you (quickly, but not so quick that you can't finish any preparations for the baby) Oh, you'll have to post pictures of his room when you have it done. Hmmmmm....I wonder what his name will be....

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

I can't wait to meet him either! I love the commentary about Eleanor's variations of "doll care". :-) She's going to be a wonderful big sister! :-)