Sunday, October 26, 2008

Changed my Life

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins - Eleanor and I love to make these. I may or may not be known to consume up to four of these babies in a single day.

The Grocery Game
- A college friend of mine told me about this, and it is saving me roughly 35% a month!! I am SOLD.

The Oil Cleansing Method - This is where you clean your face by slathering olive oil and castor oil all over it. Yep, weird. The oh-so-reliable internet claims that this may turn my skin into something that glamorous french women with perfect skin will envy. While I have to admit I have not seen quite such shocking results as this, my skin I think is a little better than it was, and I am not shelling out much money, and my skin doesn't feel dry after cleansing. So I give this a thumbs-up, strange as it may sound!

Emergen-C - Although I don't know for sure, I like to think that during our latest bout with illness this stuff kept me from feeling as close to death as I usually do when sick.

"Don't Make me Count to Three" (Plowman) and "Shepherding a Child's Heart" (Tripp) - I would highly recommend these books to any parent!

Graham "Cookies" - I have two small children. No other explanation needed.

So there you have it, a short and relatively lighthearted list of things that have recently "changed my life"!


Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

great life changing tips! :-)

i checked out the grocery game...and unfortunately i can't get any coupons for the commissary on base...but i have to consider that i might already be saving a fair amount b/c it's the commissary (I hope anyway) & I've been menu planning and have been saving quite a bit of money by really planning out my purhcases instead of buying a bunch of stuff and planning on the back end...

i've never heard of the olive oil thing...but i'll be blogging about skin care this week...maybe tomorrow. :-) it was a big purchase, but i am ... once again ... hopeful.

i've heard a lot of good about sheparding a child's heart...but haven't purchased it yet. i am considering what to look for now...perhaps i'll see about finding an audio version while we travel next week. :-) (going to see my sis)

emergen-c is great! i don't like the taste personally but in my pregnancy i had an on again off again need for them from my acupuncturist. way to go natural, noelle...proud of you!!!

always glad to hear such a positive update. :-)

Garden Girl said...

The Grocery Game is pretty cool. If any of the stores here doubled coupons, I would totally do it. I did my "own" version in California. Another website that is free is But I don't know if it is as accurate. You could compare the two for a month or so and see.

Let us know when you find a good all natural exfoliater for the face - maybe some kosher salt in with the olive oil?....

Garden Girl said...

Oh, I wanted to add that you should check out this book: Teach Them Diligently by Louis Priolo It is next on my parenting books to read.