Thursday, May 29, 2008

Growth Spurt??

Eleanor's lunch today:

1/2 PB & J sandwich
1/3 of a sweet potato
1 hard boiled egg
animal crackers
...and she asked for MORE


Polly Meredith said...

That's my girl!

Unknown said...

So funny! She's a big eater today!

Felipe and Chantelle said...

And if she added some sweets (like chocolate) to her lunch, we'd know for sure she was your daughter, Noelle!! ;)

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

wow! that's great! my sweet girl is still such a bird...her breakfast is big and her other meals are SMALL most of the time. but everyone always said that about me...i eat like a bird. so maybe that's all it is... but my little girl's mother was also very PICKY! hahaha